So the USA is trying to say that $100M US to go towards contraception is part of “economic stimulus,” (sounds like something the PRC would say…) while Japan is urging its populous to have babies! Canon, inc. is shutting down twice a week at 5:30 PM to encourage its employees to procreate!
Check out CNN’s coverage here.
Oh, and it’s a new year, so I decided to go with a new look.
J Pilgrim
How long til the US Federal Gov’t. comes out with a “recommendation” for how many kids each household should have? You know, in support of reducing our collective carbon footprint, stimulating the economy with all that extra consumable income, and I mean, c’mon, just in good taste, ’cause, you know, more than two kids is just, you know, icky and backwater and, I mean, the carbon footprint and all.
Go Canon!
The Rijicho
Hehe, makes that digital Rebel SLR I’ve been contemplating all the more desirable…